- так и так
- I• (И) ТАК и ЭТАК <ЭДАК>; (И) ТАК И ТАК{{}}all coll[AdvP; these forms only; fixed WO]=====1. [adv or predic (subj: human)]⇒ (to do or try to do sth.) in various ways:- this way and that;- in all different ways;- first one way, then another;- [in limited contexts](try <do>) everything (one can).♦ [Расплюев:] Как взял он [Кречинский] это дело себе в голову, как взял он дело, кинул так и этак... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [R.:] As soon as the idea came to his [Krechinsky's] mind, he turned it over this way and that... (2b).♦ Принц Ольденбургский так и эдак его [нашего представителя] уламывал, но ничего не получилось (Искандер 4). Prince Oldenburgsky tried to talk him [our spokesman] into it, first one way, then another, but he got nowhere (4a).♦ Чем, скажите мне, выводить пятна с одежды? Я пробовал и так и эдак... (Булгаков 12). Will somebody please tell me how to get stains out of clothes? I tried everything (12a).2. [adv]⇒ regardless of (what one does, how events develop etc):- anyway;- anyhow;- in any case (event);- at any rate;- one way or another;- [when there are only two possible outcomes, options etc] either way.♦ Невероятно, но факт - проспали! Придётся теперь ехать в Ленинград, сдавать билеты... Впрочем, самому ему, как Лёва тут же рассудил, это только на руку: ведь, так и так, он не мог бы поехать... (Битов 2). Incredible, but a fact-they had overslept! Now they would have to go to Leningrad and turn in their tickets. ...Then again, as Lyova decided on the spot, this was just as well for him personally: he couldn't go anyway, of course... (2a).♦ "Вот что, ребятишки... ломать [дом] так и так придётся: противопожарная безопасность" (Максимов 3). "Well, boys, here it is. You'll have to pull some of it [the house] down in any case. Fire regulations" (3a).♦ "Вечером со сватами приду, - объявил Егорша. - ...Чего тут канитель разводить? Ты войди в моё положение. Мне так и этак жениться надо" (Абрамов 1). 'This evening I'm coming over with the matchmakers," announced Egorsha. ... "Why drag it out? Put yourself in my position. One way or another I'm going to have to get married" (1a).♦ Хотя мельница была в трёх километрах от деревни на дне ущелья, он [Кунта] не чувствовал большой разницы - что самому тащить [кукурузу], что с осликом топать. И так и так идти (Искандер 4). Although the mill was three kilometers from the village at the bottom of a ravine, he [Kunta] did not see much difference - lug it [his corn] himself, tramp beside a donkey, either way he would have to walk (4a).II• ТАК И ТАК (МОЛ <ДЕСКАТЬ>; ТАК-ТО И ТАК-ТО{{}}all coll[Invar; sent adv (parenth)]=====⇒ used to indicate that what one is about to say repeats or conveys what was said by o.s. or another at an earlier time; when used with a verb of speaking, adds colloquial flavor to the verb and reinforces that one is repeating words spoken earlier:- he says (I said etc);- he says, well, he says that (I said, well, I said that... etc);- he says (I said etc), you know (, that)...;- he goes (I went etc);- (go to see s.o. <write to s.o. etc>) to say, well, to say (that)...♦ Если бы она написала мужу ешё в войну: так и так, мол, встретила человека... ей бы не в чем было упрекнуть себя... Но как раз вот этого-то она и не сделала. Не хватило духу. Пожалела (Абрамов 1). If she had written to her husband during the war to say, well, to say that she had met someone...she would have had nothing to reproach herself with. ...But that was precisely what she had not done. She hadn't had the heart. She had taken pity on him... (1a).
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.